Friday, October 28, 2016

DEMOCRATS Daughter of Eric Garner slams Clinton campaign over emails about father's death Published October 28, 2016

The Hillary Clinton campaign came under fire from Erica Garner on Thursday, the daughter of Eric Garner who was killed by a police officer in New York City, after the latest batch of emails released by WikiLeaks revealed how the Democratic presidential nominee talked about her father’s death.
In a series of tweets, Garner expressed anger at the information that poured out from the email release.
“I’m troubled by the revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed ‘using’ Eric Garner … Why would you want to ‘use my dad?” she said. “These people will co opt anything to push their agenda. Police violence is not the same as gun violence.

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“I'm vey (sic) interested to know exactly what @CoreyCiorciari meant when he said ‘I know we have an Erica Garner problem’ in the #PodestaEmails19,” she added.
Garner also tweeted out links to hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that show staffers trying to figure out how to word an editorial on gun violence that would later run in the New York Daily News.
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“I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don't want to mention Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the piece,” Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in an email.
Another aide Maya Harris chimed in saying, “Eric Garner not included because not killed by gun violence.”
Garner responded to that quip, saying she was glad that the Clinton team had Harris to explain why they wouldn’t use her father in the gun violence piece.
Eric Garner died in July 2014 after he resisted arrest for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally in Staten Island. Officer Daniel Pantaleo was seen on video taking Garner down with a chokehold. Garner died minutes later.

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